Orangeburg Pipe Replacements

Replacing Orangeburg Pipes in Henrietta, NY

A Better Alternative to Sub-Par Piping

In the 1940s, a new plumbing invention was touted as the latest and greatest in piping technology. Orangeburg pipes, named for the town in New York where they were mass-produced, were installed by plumbers all over the United States and beyond as a cheaper, “corrosion-free” alternative to standard copper piping. However, by the 1970s, it was discovered that these pipes were not as reliable as they’d claimed to be.

Now, Orangeburg pipes are no longer considered a viable option by plumbers, and households all over Henrietta and the surrounding areas are learning just how damaging Orangeburg pipes can be to their home. Our team at Pride Plumbing of Rochester is here to help. We offer our Henrietta neighbors access to effective and affordable re-piping services that replace Orangeburg pipes with proven-reliable alternatives, such as copper or plastic.

Call (585) 271-7150 or fill out our online contact form today to get the solutions you need for your Orangeburg piping problems. Our team will provide you with safer, more reliable piping fast, at an affordable price.

What Are Orangeburg Pipes?

Orangeburg pipes are made of wood pulp and sealed with layers of coal tar. While these pipes were pushed by plumbers for years as a cheap, long-lasting option for homeowners that was immune to the corrosion of metal pipes, the truth is that the materials they’re made of just aren’t up to the task. Their lightweight makes them extremely brittle, and homes with Orangeburg pipes are more vulnerable to leaks and burst pipes. Additionally, underground Orangeburg pipes can’t bear the weight of surrounding dirt – they have a tendency to flatten into oval shapes and become even more likely to break.

How to Find Out if Your Home Has Orangeburg Pipes

If your home was built between 1945 and 1972, there’s a very high chance that your home has Orangeburg pipes. Unless your home has been completely re-piped between 1980 and now, those pipes are likely still there, and they could start to cause problems at any time.

Spot the telltale issues associated with Orangeburg pipes:

  • Slow drains

  • Frequent clogs and toilet back-ups

  • The smell of sewage throughout your home

  • Mold

  • Strange green patches on your lawn

  • Dips or indentations in your lawn

  • Sinkholes in your foundation

Don’t Wait for Your Pipes to Fail

Letting Orangeburg pipes remain in your home until they fail can cost you more in the long run as repair fees and individual re-piping fees pile up. Our plumbers can help you replace all the Orangeburg pipes in your Henrietta home quickly, effectively, and affordably. With our pipe replacements, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of durable, reliable piping for decades to come.

 If your home has out-of-date and dangerous Orangeburg pipes, reach out to our team for affordable re-piping solutions in Henrietta and the surrounding areas.